Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Miesha: "My Talent is Perserverance"
*What is your talent/gift?
*What are you going to do with it?
*Compare your talent with Miesha's

Literary Connection: Jesus' Parable of the Talents NOTE: In ancient times, a measure of gold was called a talent: There once was a master and he had three servants. He goes on a trip and gives gold to each of them. The first one spends it having a good time, the second one purchases a rug in the market place. The third one goes out into the fields and buries it. When the master returns, he asks them what they did with the gold. The first one says, "I spent it and had a great time with my friends." The master says, "Very Good." The second one says, "I purchased a rug in the marketplace." The master says, "Very Good." The third one says, "Master, you will most proud of me! I buried it in the fields and here it is!" The master beats him and send him out of his house.

What do you think is Jesus' point? What lesson does he teach and how does it connect to you and Miesha? How does this story work on more than one level?

The talent that I have come to love very much, that I have acquired through many years of practice, hard work, and failure, I cannot write about. If I were to write about it, everyone would be aware of it an it would no longer work for me and thus all my hard work would have been in vain. So I decided to write about one of the many other talents that have been bestowed upon me, and certainly, as you probably know, it isnt modesty.

My talent is my ability to work hard and be resilient or to not accept my ability as the best no matter what level it is, I was going to write about my perseverance but that would be a little cliche in this prompt considering Miesha's talent is perseverance. I plan to use this talent to further myself in all that I do, whether it be school or basketball or anything else, this talent is going to take me where I want to go in life. I would classify both my talent and Miesha's talent as a type of resiliency. We both know the circumstances we are in are not the best, although Mieshas is considerably harder, so we must work to get to where we want to be. Miesha works hard and pushes through her failures as do I.

Jesus' message is that you should live in the moment and not be petty and greedy with the things that you have. The first two men used their gold to have a good time and to buy something of value, this is what should be done rather than to keep it to yourself. This most definitely is using his gold as a symbol for talent which means not to let your talents be buried and go to waste. This lesson connects to Miesha and myself because it tells us to live in the moment, and to know that we will not have the same opportunities later in life. This story works on a level that implies the meaning is to use what you have but not be greedy and to use your talents, and also has a literal meaning that implies the same thing.

Read my next post, I promise it will be 109093209x better than this one.


  1. Ha ha, I was totally expecting you to write that your talent was basketball. You suprised me but I do agree that resilience is a quality that can be applied to all aspects of life and is similar to Miesha's.

    I didn't read about greed on any other blogs so it was an interesting perspective to see, since actually money and greed tend to go hand in hand. And since you promised, I will read your next post ;)

  2. Rj, sorry bud. But I am disappointed in this blog post. I don't think that its a good idea to start off by saying that you were going to say something, then not saying what it is. That whole first paragraph is just a blob of words. Its unnecessary. This is over my 4 comments that are required but I wanted to read yours, because over the years you have always amazed me with words and the way you connect things to each other. Pls do a better job next time. Your a great writter, use your REAL talents. They include, basketball, poetry, writting. You have alot. Use umm

  3. Yes! Listen to Tori! This post is so unworthy of what you can do. This is poor work and you need to get with the game to even be on the same court as everyone else. The only way you are going to gain anything is by putting yourself into it 100% Your next one better be a great one. This is sad :( :( BTW, your Prompt #1 would have scored you a 0 or a 1 on the AP exam!!!! How could you not know to write about a book/play on the AP List?????? We're practicing here! It's not as stressful, but this is a practice!!! AND YOUR CHOICE????? Are you serious?????? There is no one in the AP world that would accept that as a choice. Yes, alcohol is a symbol, but, this is not literature! I'm being brutal, but you need to get real and get to work! This is going to hurt.
